Winter Weather Update from Best Trash

With the latest snow forecast for Tuesday, Best Trash will be closed for regular operations tomorrow.

Please see the revised schedule below for the tentative schedule for the rest of the week.

  • Monday: We will run a regular service day.
  • Tuesday: Closed.
  • Wednesday: Delayed start.
  • Thursday: Delayed start.

Note: If the landfills close due to inclement weather, we cannot run our routes on those day(s).

The guidelines are subject to change depending on the actual weather conditions.

If we are unable to run our routes on your scheduled service day, your pick-up will be on the next scheduled service day.

If plants die due to the weather, they will be considered storm debris and handled accordingly.

Best wishes, and be safe.

Notice to Purchasers

The real property that you are about to purchase is located in Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 115 (“District”) and may be subject to district taxes.  The district may, subject to voter approval, impose taxes and issue bonds. The district may impose an unlimited rate of tax in payment of such bonds. The current tax rate levied by the District on property within the District is $0.3200 per $100 of assessed value.

Notice to Purchasers

Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate

The Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 115 (FBC MUD 115) will hold a public hearing on the proposed tax rate for the 2024 tax year. This hearing is scheduled for Monday, September 23, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. at 202 Century Square Blvd., Sugar Land, Texas, or by videoconference via Microsoft Teams.

Key Details About the Proposed Tax Rate

  • Proposed Tax Rate: The proposed rate for 2024 is $0.320 per $100 of value, a decrease from last year’s rate of $0.350 per $100, reflecting a reduction of $0.030 per $100.
  • Impact on Average Homestead: The average appraised residence homestead value has increased from $587,973 to $647,519. With the proposed tax rate, the tax on the average residence homestead is expected to slightly increase from $1,749.22 to $1,761.25, resulting in an annual increase of $12.03.

Taxpayer Rights and Participation

Taxpayers should note that if the combined debt service, operation, and maintenance tax rate causes taxes on the average homestead to increase by more than 3.5%, an election will be required to approve the rate. This aligns with Section 49.23602 of the Water Code, reflecting legislative efforts to manage property tax growth.

How to Get More Information

Your participation is important, as changes in your property’s value relative to others will impact your tax rate. For more detailed information about the proposed tax rate and its impact, visit where you can find links to local property tax databases and hearing schedules.

For further questions regarding the proposed tax rate, please refer to the official document or contact the tax office at (281) 499-1223.

Update from BUGCO Pest Control as of June 26, 2024

BUGCO will fog for mosquitoes between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. on Monday and Thursday evenings, weather permitting and in coordination with the City’s concurrent schedule (if applicable). While this practice significantly reduces the mosquito population, it does not eliminate it.

Given the recent rains and high temperatures, conditions are highly conducive to mosquito breeding. Mosquito fogging is restricted by legal limits on the amount of chemicals that can be applied within a calendar year. If the frequency of application is increased to more than twice a week, that limit would be reached as early as September, and treatments would cease sooner than mosquito season ends. To maintain an effective mosquito control strategy throughout the year and minimize disruptions, it is essential to adhere to the current schedule and respond adaptively to environmental conditions.

For additional information and measures for mosquito control and prevention, you may visit:

Mosquito Control at Home | Mosquitoes | CDC

Preventing Mosquito Bites | Mosquitoes | CDC

Tips to Prevent Mosquito Bites | US EPA

Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate

The Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 115 will hold a public hearing on a proposed tax rate for the tax year 2023 on Monday, September 25, 2023 at 9:30 a.m., at 202 Century Square Blvd., Sugar Land, Texas 77478, or by videoconference at Microsoft Teams: Your individual taxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even decrease, depending on the tax rate that is adopted and on the change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property. The change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in the taxable value of all other property determines the distribution of the tax burden among all property owners.

Visit to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property.

Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate (PDF)

Supplemental Patrolling

Effective October 1, 2021, the District’s supplemental patrolling is now being provided by the City of Missouri City Police Department. For non-emergency issues, they can be reached at (281) 403-8700 or (281) 403-8710. Please dial 911 for emergencies.

Law Enforcement in the Riverstone Community

Recently, we have received several questions related to law enforcement within the Riverstone community, and we want to provide clarity on the limited role the MUDs play in that area.

  1. MUDs are not responsible for law enforcement – MUDs can only provide resources (typically funding) to assist law enforcement agencies of the County or City.
  2. The entities with primary responsibility for crime prevention and law enforcement (patrolling, schedules, procedures, etc.) in Riverstone are:
    • Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Department for MUDs 128, 129, and 149
    • City of Missouri City Police Department for MUD 115
  3. The Riverstone MUDs give funding to local law enforcement agencies for supplemental patrolling within Riverstone. Their current contract for these services is with the Fort Bend County Constables (Pct 4) office.
  4. If you have any concerns related to law enforcement in Riverstone, you should address your questions directly to the responsible entities: the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Department, Fort Bend County Constable Precinct 4, or the City of Missouri City Police Department.  They have the ability to change the current patrolling or other law enforcement practices in Riverstone.
  5. Please note that any private security resources outside of the framework described above would need to be done with the approval of your HOA.


According to the MUD operator, your water is still safe for consumption.

Your water supply is NOT subject to a boil-water requirement.

In the event circumstances change, we will notify affected residents immediately.

If your water pressure is low, you may have an internal issue with lines within your home or property.